
Lady Munevver: The Opium Merchant’s Daughter

The 1853 Russian invasion of Crimea sparked conflicts among four Empires and brought about a calamitous marriage for Lady Munevver.

In Surrey, England, Munevver’s merchant father, fixated on gaining acceptance among high society, denies her wish to marry her childhood love, William of Yorkshire. Instead, he orchestrates a union with James, the reckless son of an impoverished and authoritarian Duke.



Russia’s 1853 invasion of Crimea resulted in four Empires declaring war and a disastrous marriage for Lady Munevver.

In Surrey, England, the merchant father of beautiful but handicapped Munevver is obsessed with gaining acceptance by the ton. Refusing Munevver’s plea to marry her childhood love, William of Yorkshire, he arranges a marriage with James, the dissolute son of an impoverished, hard-handed Duke.

When England is drawn into the Crimean War, James joins the Light Brigade and sails to the Ottoman Empire to fight the invading Russians. After learning her husband has died in Scutari Hospital, Munevver, terrified at what her father-in-law might do, flees England. Her destination: Aleppo where she hopes her uncle will protect her.

Her escape ends in Constantinople when. the Sultan, irate at Queen Victoria’s command that he return the widow of one of her Lords, arranges a marriage for Munevver with Ari, a member of his court. Banished to Ankara, the young couple struggles to survive political intrigue, intense cold, and lack of medical care. After Ari dies of tuberculosis, Munevver is desperate to return to Yorkshire but how? Dare she accept the quid pro quo arrangement offered by the Sultan’s mother?

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