
Naturally Supporting Cancer Treatment: Evidence-based ways to help prevent cancer formation and recurrence, and assist treatment

Evidence-based help on your cancer journey from someone who has traveled it herself.

Cancer can leave you feeling disempowered. While doctors usually focus on chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, helpful lifestyle changes are often overlooked. Research shows that this helps to boost good health and longevity.



Evidence-based help on your cancer journey from someone who has traveled it herself.

Cancer can leave you feeling disempowered. While doctors usually focus on chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, helpful lifestyle changes are often overlooked. Research shows that this helps to boost good health and longevity.

Naturally Supporting Cancer Treatment shows you the evidence for:

  • the foods that help, those to avoid, and the best cancer diets
  • why stress reduction is valuable and the best ways to achieve it
  • the importance of exercise and the types that might suit you
  • the links between insomnia and cancer, and how to sleep better
  • how some toxins can cause cancer, and ways to avoid them
  • which supplements and herbs can help prevent cancer, support chemotherapy and radiation, and reduce side effects.

‘What an inspired read. Jenny offers the perfect combination of patient and clinician’s perspective. Confidently guiding you through the evidence based use of diet, lifestyle and complementary medicine. An empowering read for all oncology patients and their carers. I will be recommending this to patients in my care.’
Naturopath Carla Wrenn (Oncology Support)

Jenny Graves was diagnosed with leukaemia in 2009. After a stem cell transplant in 2010 and her subsequent recovery, she spent 4 years studying for an Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy. Here she shares what she learned to stay well.

If you’re ready to start learning the best ways to support yourself through cancer, scroll up and click ‘Buy Now’ today.

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