
Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year! Celebrate And Enjoy With BookPinks


Mandy was born with a disability, but she was fortunate that the system acknowledged her needs and offered support. Grateful for this assistance, she proactively pursued every chance to gain independence and enhance her circumstances. Using technology to surmount physical obstacles, Mandy concentrated on honing her abilities and intellect. This dedication led her to become a significant asset and contributor to society.



Mandy was fortunate. Born disabled, the system recognized her need and helped her. In return, she took advantage of the opportunities that arose and lifted herself out of the dependency inflicted on her peers.
As technology balanced her physical difficulties, Mandy used her intellect to build competence and develop it, becoming a contributor to society.
The book illustrates how a relatively small expense to support disabled persons in our society can reap significant benefits as otherwise marginalized individuals transform to become self-sustaining and valuable citizens.
Mandy also highlights a vulnerability we have in our economy by not taking seriously the threat of cyber-attacks on companies too busy with their day-to-day operations to adequately plan for their protection. In fact, as Mandy found out, poor cybersecurity can be quite deadly. But it helped Mandy build a promising career with Microsoft and the Federal Government.

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