
Did we learn anything from WTC towers collapse?…: Critical Review of final NIST reports and more.

On the morning of September 11, 2001, two hijacked airliners attacked the World Trade Center in New York. The first plane struck WTC1, followed minutes later by the second plane hitting WTC2. Approximately 102 minutes after the initial impact, both towers were in ruins. This discussion focuses solely on the events related to WTC1, specifically addressing the impact on floors 91-101.



On the morning of September 11, 2001, the World Trade Center in New York was attacked by two hijacked airliners. One impacted WTC1 first, the second WTC2, minutes later. About 102 minutes after the initial impact both towers laid in ruin.
The discussion of the disaster is limited here to building WTC1, which was struck by an aircraft first. Floors 91-101 were directly affected by the impact.
The best known and the most extensive engineering investigation into the collapse is presented in NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) reports [14 through 24]. Unfortunately, the work failed to demonstrate the mechanism of failure.
The most spectacular effect of the aircraft entering a building was a fireball and a thunder, i.e. classical explosion effect. This somehow was not recognized and acknowledged by the investigators. Although the fireballs were mentioned, they were spoken of as merely burning of fuel.

Now, some 20 years after the disaster, the damage done by premature destruction of evidence cannot be undone. However, the analytical part can be corrected and completed. Otherwise, there will be no benefit in terms of learning from the tragedy.
This book presents at least three types of material: One is the discussion of the report as presented by NIST volumes. Another type is the background material and information to better grasp what is missing or poorly explained in the NIST report. The third is the analysis of expected results of a similar attack against the new 1-WTC building.

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